A to-do list that works for you

Keep track of your tasks & progress - and get guidance on what to work on next, whenever you’re ready to do work.

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No more wondering "what should I work on next?"

Get suggestions for what you should work on now, so you can focus on actually doing the work. You're not locked into our suggestions though, you'll be able to easily switch between tasks — and don’t worry, it wont mess up your progress tracking.

Work on your schedule, whenever you're ready

No need to time block and force yourself into a fixed schedule. Whenever you're ready to work, just start a work session, and we'll do the rest.

Keep track of your progress & how far you have to go

unspuddle will help you keep track of how much work you've done and what progress you've made - and we'll even estimate how much more time you'll need to complete your task.

Stay organised & on top of your to-dos

View all your tasks at a glance, organise them into projects, and even see a calendar view of all upcoming deadlines.

Coming soon!

Prioritise wellness over efficiency

Pure efficiency isn't always the most important thing. Sometimes (often, actually), you're better off ordering your tasks and working in a way that you enjoy. With unspuddle, you'll be able to optimise your "what should I work on next" suggestions for enjoyment, efficiency, or a mix of both.

Coming soon!

Personalised suggestions, based on how you like to work

unspuddle will keep track of your work patterns, and as it gets to know you better, our algorithm will adjust to how you like to work. We'll suggest tasks based on your unique personal preferences. So you can work in a way that works best for you - not just what should work best in theory.

Manage your to-do list easily, without changing how you work

Most to-do apps force you to change how you work to fit into their system.
Unspuddle doesn't.

Have you tried many different productivity apps but struggled because it doesn't fit with how you work?

Do you struggle with the question "what should I work on next?" when you have a long list of tasks to do?

Are you a free spirit, who doesn't do well with time-blocking and scheduling your day to the minute?

Unspuddle is a to-do list that's built for you. It's designed with creatives, freelancers, flexible workers - anyone who works on their own schedule and in their own way - in mind.

It's a to-do app that works around your life, to help you with what to work on, whenever you are ready to work.

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